The Music of the Moment

Reference: LM-JLO01


Improvisation in XIXth century piano music.

(280 pp.)

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What is improvising? What is the relationship between improvisation and musical writing? Who was improvising? For what audience, and for what purpose?

Contrary to popular belief, improvisation is of capital importance in piano music in the 19th century: present in many piano forms, intimately mixed with the life and creation of some of the greatest geniuses of the century, it is hidden in the written testimonies of their admirers as well as in their most elaborate works. Improvisation as music of the moment, elusive in essence, yet present in the musical heritage that has been transmitted to us by the greatest.

Jean-Louis Orengia, born in 1953, is Associate Professor of Music Education, improvising pianist, doctor in musicology (Paris IV Sorbonne), author of record books and lecturer.
